Sensory Room Campaign

Help Revitalize Our Essential Sensory Room by Donating Today!

You can make a difference to transforming this space into a dream sensory room for the over 80 learners who use it monthly!  This space is used on a regular basis by children and youth with autism ages 2 to 17 years from Woodview programs. The sensory room plays a key role in supporting their development and provides a safe and therapeutic environment for them to explore and engage with their senses. Over time, it has experienced wear and tear, and it is in desperate need of upgrades.

Benefits of Sensory Equipment for Autistic Kids

We consulted with our autism specialists and here is what they identified as the wish list of equipment for the ages and developmental needs of the children and youth that we serve at 69 Flatt Road in Burlington:

  • Abstract Tactile Panel: To offer tactile stimulation and engagement.
  • Tear Drop Swing: To provide a soothing experience with a gentle, repetitive swaying motion.
  • Calming Sensory Kit: To help children self-regulate with a variety of sensory tools.
  • Laser Stars Projector: To create an engaging, calming visual experience.
  • Squish Chair: To provide tactile (touch) input and comfort.
  • Mirror Ball: To stimulate visual tracking and engagement.
  • Thera-Band Wobble Board: To support balance and motor skills development.
  • Large Soft Rocker: To offer a comfortable, calming seating option.

Design concept by Flaghouse Snoezelen.

Current condition after years of wear and tear.

Thank You for Helping Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal of $22,000 for Sensory Room Equipment!

$15,000 Grant:

$5,200 Group Donation:

$1,600 Legacy Gift:

In Memory of Beverley Figliola

Thanks to wonderful community donors we’re thrilled to share that we’ve reached our campaign goal to purchase the new sensory room equipment!

Would you still like to be a part of the sensory room transformation?  We have opportunities for covering additional costs such as new flooring and paint.  When donating online, please let us know you want your donation to go towards the sensory room!  Thank you so much.